Completed Penetanguishene Angels Parkette Garden

Eighteen months ago, I was approached by the Town of Penetanguishene and its Rotary Club to design and build a new garden for its Angels Parkette at the Highway 93 entrance to town. I am thrilled that the final garden was planted up this past weekend.

After the First World War, a Jesuit priest named Gerald F Lahey donated two angel statues to celebrate 300 years since the arrival of French explorer Samuel de Champlain to Penetanguishene. Now, more than 100 years later, the ‘angels of good intentions’ have moved further down Main Street to a more accessible location where Penetanguishene borders Midland. This is also the site of the new garden along with a Welcome sign for visitors.

The design incorporates a succession of colourful perrenials including Geranium Rozanne, Veronica, Echinacea, Shasta Daisies, Joe Pyeweed, Karl Foerster Grass, Porcupine Grass, and more. Trees were planted that had multi-season interest, including crabapple, apple, and Japanese Lilac. All plantings had to be drought resistance, deer and rabbit proof, and winter hardy. Additional spring bulbs of daffodils, muscari, alliums, and more will be planted in the fall.

The massive job of planting was completed by members of the Penetanguishene Rotary Club and Horticulture Club. A huge thank you to the volunteers. We are all looking forward to a colourful and welcoming approach to the town that complements the historic Angels! You can read about their history HERE.

Completed Penetanguishene Angels Parkette Garden
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